Needless to say I am one happy bunny right now! What a night ♡
My local cinema (the best one in Stockholm) is located in this very cute neighborhood all dedicated to Swedish film history. It also happens to be the home of my favorite sushi restaurant, so logically that's where we spent the last hour before finally watching Avengers Infinity War!

I look happy (I mean really, you can literary see the excitement on my face) even though they messed my order up a bit. On days like this, it doesn't even matter.
The budget for this movie was a staggering $300 millions. With every single face coming up on screen belonging to a big Hollywood star and (mostly) great special effects it's not hard to understand. Three years later and what an amazing job they have done. The eyecandy is never ending and it's so beautifully made. Every time I watch a movie that inspires me this much, it makes me miss working with film so badly and I hope one day I can be back in the business.
I wish Rocket was my best friend and partner in crime and I would be totally fine marrying any of the Chris (or all of them).
Without exaggeration, this one goes down as one of my top 3 movies of all times. Incredible job and if you haven't seen it yet, do!! And if you have... Well I wanna watch it again already, you coming?